UGC Announced 7 major changes to ease the studies for the students.
UGC Announced 7 major changes to ease the studies for the students.,Jan 09, 2025
Jan 09, 2025
The University Grant Commission has taken an important step to make some amendments to the education system to ease the studies for the students. The chairperson of the UGC, Prof. Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar says that these changes will provide students with a hassle-free schedule so they can master their skills in the respective discipline instead of just having an academic score in their results. Some major changes were made by the UGC to increase the number of admissions and develop the new skills and enthusiasm of the students.
Here are some 7 major changes conducted by the UGC:
Biannual Admissions
The first change made by the UGC was that students can take admissions in two sessions now. First, there was only one session for the students to take admission which was the July-August session but now there is one more session to take admission which is the January-February session. It will be easy for the students to gain admission if one session they may miss but in another session, they can take admission.
Multiple Entry-Exit Scheme
Under this change, students can exit their program in the middle to take a break from their studies and can join the program again whenever they feel like continuing. This scheme may help students to reduce the study pressure and may focus on other things.
Discipline Agnostic Admission
Without determining the previous subjects or disciplines, students can easily be admitted to any program to pursue their UG & PG programs. As long as students pass the entrance exam for admission in their respective desired course they can freely take the admission without worrying about their previous disciplines.
Flexible Attendance Policy
UGC made a fixed guideline for admission which was that students need to complete 75% to take the examinations of the respective course but after the amendment UGC amended this policy also which now says that students do not need to complete the admission requirement to take the examination of the respective course. Without worrying about attendance, students can freely study.
Credit distribution of the degrees
To pass the course, students have to gain 50% aggregate marks in their respective academic course and the other 50% aggregate marks will be gained by the students with the help of skills enhancement courses, other disciplines, and apprenticeship basis.
Accelerated and Extended Degree Program
Everyone knows that there is a standard duration to complete a course but after the amendment, UGC made a policy to make the course duration flexible which are:
Accelerated Degree Program:- In this degree program, students can finish their course before the standard duration if they want.
Extended Degree Program:- In this degree program, students can finish their course after the standard duration of the course completion.
Eligibility for an advanced PG program after 4-years Undergraduate program
Students who are pursuing a 4-years undergraduate degree program will be eligible to pursue an advanced PG program but in the same field of study. This major change will encourage the students towards relevant skills enhancement and deep learning in the respective field.
These major changes may affect the students in both ways with advantages and disadvantages. Some students may face some consequences and some may find it easy to go with. Still, if any student finds difficulty or wants to clear their doubts related to these major changes and any course, you can easily find a counsellor through this link: and can get free career counselling now.